Manager Message
We hope that you will find the information in this website helpful as you consider choosing an excellent school for your child. We understand that you are your child’s first educators, so we rely on a strong home/ school partnership involving good two way communication and mutual trust.
Vishwakarma Kaushal Kendra, where learning becomes a passion...
We at Vishwakarma Kaushal Kendra Public School understand that true wisdom only comes from God. One may gain knowledge through books, through friends, through media but only wisdom helps a child to apply knowledge in the right way.
VIshwakarma Kaushal Kendra , the power of dreams...
We at VIshwakarma Kaushal Kendra Public School believe that all students are equal and must make their mark within the community. We desire that our students must enter through door of knowledge and leave through door of confidence, with enquiring minds, sense of social and moral values, a sense of service and compassion for those less fortunate, a respect for nature, tolerance, a sense of honor and the attributes to become good citizens of India and the world. We shall, on our part, very much appreciate your valuable suggestions….
Wishing you God’s best in life.…
Yours sincerely
Dr. Sunita Sunayana Jain